Going from the known to the unknown
Leaving the familiar to embrace inevitable change
Anxieties and insecurities of the past resurface.
Longing for a map in this foreign world
Or at least someone who speaks the language,
Hoping for grace in understanding.
Fumbling through the unknown
Retreat is taken in what I know
Although that currency is not available for fair exchange in this culture.
Once again my feet straddle two worlds
Eternally destined to live in the in between
Will peace ever be found?
Wishing for an advocate
Who will disprove my seemingly schizophrenic nature
Who will find some semblance of coherence considering the circumstances.
Motivated by a final destination that will never change
Where my identity will no longer need an explanation
And where our citizenship will be of the same nature.
Yet that destination is not yet attained
Reality determines that this reconciliation will not be found here
And I am left holding the pieces.
Square peg, round hole
Neither black nor white
Gray compromise.
Rebekah Gregory
September 8, 2009